CTEH Spotlight: Dr. Pamella Tijerina (Part II)

From e-cigarettes to fine ambient particulates, Dr. Pamella Tijerina has studied how certain chemicals and hazardous materials may impact human health. Today, as a toxicologist in our San Antonio office, she utilizes this in-depth knowledge to help promote safety. Learn more about her work below:

You earned your bachelor’s degree in biology and Ph.D. in environmental health sciences with a focus on systemic toxicology. What initially sparked your interest in these fields? 
Growing up in Texas, the beauty of nature attracted me to the science behind it. The field of toxicology provided a setting to explore every aspect of science and learn real-world applications to help protect human health.

What do you most enjoy about your new role at CTEH?
The health sciences department at CTEH functions as one unit. As a young professional, the mentorship provided by my supervisors and colleagues is unsurpassed. The ability to pick up the phone and run ideas or thoughts by a more experienced toxicologist helps stimulate personal career growth and promotes overall client satisfaction.

Tell us more about your involvement with community and industry organizations.
I wouldn’t be where I am today without the help of multiple mentors around the globe. As a result, I am passionate about paying it forward any way I can. I maintain my professional involvement in the Society of Toxicology, which is a wonderful arena for young scientists to advance their careers and network with others who have similar goals or aspirations.

Learn more about Dr. Tijerina by connecting with her on LinkedIn.